PortX is pleased to announce that the latest release of our JD Edwards Connector is now MuleSoft certified. For those looking to integrate their JD Edwards with other on-prem or cloud-based applications, the JDE Connector is a proven solution that opens API-led connectivity for their ERP.
The following features have been added to version 1.3.0 of the JD Edwards connector:
- Ability to redirect JDE Logger to Mule Logger. You can now see JDE activity in both the Console and JDE files defined in jdelog.properties.
- A DNS resolver has been added to allow JDE Connectors to work on CloudHub with VPC
- The connector can now deploy more than one set of JDE INI files for each environment
- Spec Cache Folder in the configuration now is optional
- Improved exception handling, making exceptions clearer with the application’s own Exception object. The new exceptions are BSFNTransactionException, CallBSFNException, JobStatusException, SubmitUBEException, EventException. These exceptions are an extension of the JDEConnectorException
- Improved JDE Connector test messages add clarity to connection errors
- The Call Business Function operation now returns XML in the parameter_BSFNDetailErrors instead of a String
These new features are in addition to those found in the original 1.0.0 JD Edwards connector, version 1.1.1, and the previously released version 1.2.0, including:
- Log in to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne™ with authentication over EnterpriseOne Security Server
- Discover BSFNs by name
- Resolve BSFN metadata (signature and parameters) at runtime
- Cache BSFN & UBE definitions locally in XML format
- Invoke a BSFN by name
- Capability to include Data Selection to filter the records to process when submitting UBEs
- Ability to Poll Events – Allows you to get outbound events that come from an application that uses a Master Business Function in order to generate transactions with Interoperability activated
- Ability to Poll EDI Events – Allows you to capture outbound transactions that are generated from EDI Module applications
- Support for more than one Transaction Session in multi-threaded applications
- The BSFN Call Operation displays all the JDE’s Functions, including customer BSFNs
- UBE test and Call BSFN in Test Connection allows validation of Enterprise Server configuration
For many JD Edwards customers, integrations prove to be challenging, especially for those looking to move beyond batch processing and leverage the power of real-time integrations. With MuleSoft ESB and the JD Edwards Connector from PortX, companies are empowered to leverage an API strategy for their ERP integrations.
For more information about the JD Edwards connector, or if you’re looking for guidance and expertise with your JD Edwards system, get in touch. Our team of JD Edwards experts are happy to consult with you on optimizing your ERP.